The OrMachine

Tammo Rukat

Created: 2017-08-06 Sun 09:51

Single Cell Gene Expression

Boolean Matrix Factorisation

\[ \]

Observed Data



Probabilistic Generative Model

\[ p(\underbrace{x_{nd}}_{\substack{\text{obser-} \\ \text{vation}}}|\overbrace{\mathbf{u}_d}^{\text{codes}},\underbrace{\mathbf{z}_n}_{\substack{\text{latent}\\ \text{rprsnt.}}},\overbrace{\lambda}^{\substack{\text{disper-}\\ \text{sion}}})= \begin{cases} \big(1+\exp[-\lambda]\big)^{-1};\;&\text{if}\;\color{darkgreen}{x_{nd}=\min(1,\mathbf{z}_n^T\mathbf{u}_d)}\;\; \\ \big(1+\exp[\lambda]\big)^{-1};\;&\text{else} \end{cases} \]

\[\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\; = \sigma_{\substack{\text{logistic} \\ \text{sigmoid}}}\left[\lambda \underbrace{\tilde{x}_{nd}}_{\tilde{x} = 2x-1} \left(1-2\color{brown}{\prod\limits_{l}(1-z_{nl}u_{ld})}\right) \right]\]

Inference for the OrMachine

Gibbs Sampling

Full conditional

\[ p(z_{nl}|\text{rest}) = \sigma\bigg[\lambda \tilde{z}_{nl} \sum\limits_d \tilde{x}_{nd}\; \color{darkgreen}{u_{ld}} \color{brown}{\prod\limits_{l'\neq l} (1-z_{nl'}u_{l'd})}\bigg] \]

Computational shortcuts

  • \(\color{darkgreen}{u_{ld} = 0}\)
    → \(z_{nl}\) and \(x_{nd}\) disconnected.
  • \(\color{brown}{z_{nl'}u_{l'd} = 1}\) for \(\color{brown}{l' \neq l}\)
    → \(x_{nd}\) is explained away.

Dispersion parameter set to maximise likelihood

\[ \lambda_{\text{MLE}} = \text{logit}\left[ \text{reconstruction accuracy} \right] \]

Modified Sampler – Always propose to change

Standard Gibbs sampler

Metropolised Gibbs sampler

Examples and Experiments

Synthetic Data Benchmarks

Random Matrix Factorisation

[Message Passing: Ravanbakshs et al., ICML 2016]

Problem Setting

Random Matrix Completion

Single cell data II - 1.3 Million Brain Cells x 20k genes (E18 Mice)

Codes: Gene sets

Latent representations of each cell \[ \]

How to chose the latent dimension?

Calculator Digit Hierarchy

  • OrMachines of different dimensionality on noise-free calculator digits

Gene patterns – Cell representations

Mutations and Cellular Pathways in Different Cancer Types

Compose Layers of OrMachines

\[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \(\mathbf{\otimes}\)

\[ \] \[ \]

\[ \] \[ \] \[ \]

\(\mathbf{\;\rightarrow\;}\) \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \]


\[ \] \[ \]

\[ \] \[ \] \[ \]

\(\mathbf{\;\leftarrow}\) \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \]



Compose Layers of OrMachines

\[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \(\mathbf{\otimes}\)

\[ \] \[ \]

\[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \(\mathbf{\;\rightarrow\;}\) \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \(\mathbf{\;\;\;\;\otimes}\)

\[ \] \[ \]

\[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \(\mathbf{\;\leftarrow}\) \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \[ \] \(\mathbf{\rightarrow\;\;}\)




  • Outperforms available methods for Boolean Matrix Factorisation
  • Applicable and scalable to most state-of-the art genomics data.
  • Compose OrMachines to link different types of knowledge.



\[ \]

Chris Yau

Michalis Titsias

Chris Holmes


Find me next academic year @

Additional Material

Deep noisy calculator digits

  • Input: 50 digits with 70% missing observations
  • Reduce reconstruction error from 1.4% to 0.4% compared to shallow model

Auto-Regulating Sparsity

Preprint on ArXiv

Hamming Machine

  • Construct a probability distribution based on the hamming distance between two binary vectors, \({h(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{u})}\), and a dispersion parameter \({\lambda}\): \[ p(\mathbf{x}|\mathbf{u}) \propto \exp\left[ -\lambda \, h(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{u}) \right] \]
  • Each observations \({\mathbf{x} }\) is generated from a subset of binary codes: \({\mathbf{u}_{l{=}1\ldots L}}\), selected by a vector of binary latent variables \({\mathbf{z}}\) \[ p(\mathbf{x}|\mathbf{U},\mathbf{z},\lambda) \propto \prod\limits_l p(\mathbf{x}|\mathbf{u}_l,\lambda)^{z_l} = \prod\limits_d \exp\left[- \sum_l z_l \lambda h(x_d,u_{ld}) \right]\]
  • Normalising the likelihood for for binary observations yields a logistic sigmoid: \[ p(x_d = 1|\mathbf{z}, \mathbf{u}_{1\ldots L}, \lambda) = \frac{1}{1+\exp\left[-\lambda \sum\limits_l z_l (2u_{ld} - 1) \right]} = \sigma\left[\lambda \sum_l z_l \tilde{u}_{ld} \right]\]
  • We defined the mapping from \({\{0,1\}}\) to \({\{{-}1,1\}\,}\): \(\;\;{\tilde{u} = 2u{-}1}\)

One-hot sampling

Introduction to Latent Variable Models

Notation and Graphical Model

  • Mixture models
  • Factor Analysis (PCA)
  • Variables
    • \({x_{nd}}\) – observations
    • \({u_{ld}}\) – parameters (globale variables, weights)
    • \({z_{nl}}\) – latent variables (local variables)
  • Indices
    • \({n = 1\ldots N}\) – observations/specimens
    • \({d = 1\ldots D}\) – features (e.g. pixels or genes)
    • \({l = 1\ldots L}\) – latent dimensions
    • \({k = 1\ldots K}\) – layers
  • N observations
  • D features
  • L latent variables
  • K layers / abstraction levels

Neural network

  • Major difference to feed forward neural nets: Nodes and weights are stochastic

What makes a good latent variable model for biological data?

Multi-layer OrMachine

With \({\mathbf{z}^{[0]}_n = \mathbf{x}_n}\) and \({L^{[0]} = D}\), that is \[ p(\mathbf{Z}^{[0:K]},\mathbf{U}^{[1:K]},\lambda) = p(\mathbf{Z}^{[K]}) \prod_{k=0}^{K-1} p(\mathbf{Z}^{[k]}|\mathbf{Z}^{[k{+}1]},\mathbf{U}^{[k{+}1]},\lambda^{[k{+}1]})\, p(\mathbf{U}^{[k{+}1]})\, p(\lambda^{[k{+}1]}) \]

The joint density factorises in terms of the form p(layer|parents)

Random matrix factorisation

Problem setting


Single cell data I


Deep calculator digits

  • Second layer representation fed forward to data layer.

A little detour: Peskun's Theorem

  • We have
    • A random variable \(X\) following a distribution \(\pi\)
    • Transition matrices \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) that are reversible for \(\pi\): \[ \pi(x)P(x,y) = \pi(y)P(y,x) \]
    • Define \(P_2 \ge P_1\), if it's true for every off-diagonal element.
  • The theorem states, if \[P_2 \ge P_1\] then: \[ v(f, \pi, P_1) \ge v(f, \pi, P_2) \] where \[ v(f, \pi, P) = \lim_{N\rightarrow\infty} N \text{var}(\hat{I}_N) \] is the variance of some estimator \[ \hat{I}_N = \sum\limits_{t=1}^N \frac{f(X^{(t)})}{N}\;\; \text{of}\;\; I = E_{\pi}(f)\]



Percentages of correctly predicted, unobserved movie ratings.

Random matrix factorisation

\[ \]

  • MAP inference using message passing.
  • Outperforms all previous state-of-the-art methods.
  • OrMachine features consistently lower reconstruction error

Random matrix completion

  • Missing dat? Set unobserved data-point to \(x_{nd} = 0.5 \;\rightarrow\; \tilde{x}_{nd}=0\)

\[L = \prod\limits_{nd} \sigma\left[\lambda \tilde{x}_{nd} (1-2\prod\limits_{l}(1-z_{nl}u_{ld}) \right]\;\;\rightarrow\;\text{Contribute constant factor}\;\sigma(0)=\frac{1}{2}\]

\[ p(z_{nl}|\text{rest}) = \sigma\left[\lambda \tilde{z}_{nl} \sum\limits_d \tilde{x}_{nd}\; u_{ld}\prod\limits_{l'\neq l} (1-z_{nl'}u_{l'd})\right]\;\;\rightarrow\; \text{No contribution} \]

Dispersion paramter \(\lambda\)

\[ \]

  • How many entries are correctly predicted by the deterministic Boolean product? \[ P = \sum\limits_{n,d} I\left[x_{nd}=(1-2\prod\limits_{l}(1-z_{nl}u_{ld}))\right] \]
  • We can rewrite the likelihood \[ L = \sigma(\lambda)^P \sigma(-\lambda)^{(ND-P)} \]
  • We find the MLE of \(\sigma(\lambda)\) in closed form:

\[ \sigma(\lambda)_{\text{mle}} =\frac{P}{ND}\;. \]

Metropolised Gibbs sampler - Algorithm


Clustering via one-hot activations

A modified binary state Gibbs sampler

  • Gibbs sampler: Draw a new value \(z'\) from the full conditional \(p(z'|\text{rest})\).
  • Here, we propose value \(z'\) different from the previous value \(z\) with probability 1.
  • Metropolis-Hasting: \[ p(\text{accept}) = p(\text{mutate})= \frac{p(z'|\text{rest}) q(z|z')}{p(z|\text{rest}) q(z'|z)} = \frac{p(z'|\text{rest})}{1-p(z'|\text{rest})} \ge p(z'|\text{rest})\]
  • Typical Gibbs sampler:

  • Metropolised Gibbs sampler:

Inference: Monte-Carlo EM Algorithm

  • Until stopping criterion is reached \[ \]

    • For each factor matrix entry \(u_{ld}, z_{nl}\) [in parallel]
      • Compute full conditional (using shortcuts)
      • Update entry following Metropolised Gibbs sampler

    \[ \]

    • Set \(\sigma(\lambda)\) to its MLE \(\big[\sigma(\lambda)_{\text{mle}}=\) MAP reconstruction accuracy \(\big]\)

Full conditionals

\[ p(z_{nl}|\text{rest}) = \sigma\bigg[\lambda \tilde{z}_{nl} \sum\limits_d \tilde{x}_{nd}\; \color{darkgreen}{u_{ld}} \color{brown}{\prod\limits_{l'\neq l} (1-z_{nl'}u_{l'd})}\bigg] \]

  • Intuition: Need to consider the full Markov Blanket.

\[ \]

  • Computational shortcut:
    • \(\color{darkgreen}{u_{ld} = 0}\) → No effect of \(z_{nl}\) on the likelihood.
    • \(\color{brown}{z_{nl'}u_{l'd} = 1}\) for \(\color{brown}{l' \neq l}\) \(\rightarrow\) \(x_{nd}\) is explained away.

The Data Revolution in Biology

Rapid increase in the availability of large molecular datasets!


Better understanding of disease and better healthcare? \[ \]

Need computational and statistical tools that

  1. Scale to the huge datastes
  2. Relate to the physical and biological mechanisms that generate the data
  3. Can leverage on prior expert domain knowledge
  4. Are easy to interprete

Probabilistic Generative Model


  • \({x_{nd}}\) – observations
  • \({u_{ld}}\) – factor matrix: global codes
  • \({z_{nl}}\) – factor matrix: local latent variables
  • \(\lambda \ge 0\) – global noise parameter


  • Mapping \(\{0,1\}\) to \(\{-1,1\}\): \(\tilde{x} = 2x-1\)
  • Logistic sigmoid: \(\sigma(x) = (1+\exp[-x])^{-1}\)

\[ p(x_{nd}|\mathbf{u}_d,\mathbf{z}_n,\lambda)= \begin{cases} \sigma [ \lambda];\;&\text{if}\;\color{darkgreen}{x_{nd}=\min(1,\mathbf{z}_n^T\mathbf{u}_d)}\;\; \\ 1-\sigma [ \lambda]=\sigma[-\lambda];\;&\text{if}\;x_{nd}\neq\min(1,\mathbf{z}_n^T\mathbf{u}_d) \end{cases} \]

\[\;\;\;\; = \sigma\left[\lambda \tilde{x}_{nd} \left(1-2\color{brown}{\prod\limits_{l}(1-z_{nl}u_{ld})}\right) \right]\]

Unsupervised learning

             Key requirements

  • interpretable
  • … relate to the physical data-generating mechanism.
  • … ability to utilise prior expert knowledge.
  • scalable

Setup: Combine Layers of OrMachines